Giving back

We are intentional about giving back and aim to build partnerships with communities to ensure mutual goal-setting and solutions. We want to find the community's real needs and work collaboratively to meet and exceed those needs while making meaningful impacts in people's lives. Our work should bring a positive change and touch lives.

Benefits for the Community

  • Supported the Third Liberty Baptist Church community via a targeted donation.

  • Creates clean energy construction jobs and supports solar workforce training via a partnership with SHINE

  • Fosters new economic opportunities to landowners while increasing revenue to local taxing districts supporting the community.

  • Preserves land from commercial or residential development as the land is returned to the landowner in the AG pre-solar condition after the project's life cycle. 

Benefits for the County

  • A minimum of $8.5 million in revenue to the County over the project term vs. only $335,000 over the same period if the site were left as a timber tract.

  • Creation of green jobs during the construction phase.

  • Allows Buckingham County to align with 2050 net-zero greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals. 

  • Helps Virginia meet its Virginia Clean Economy Act goals.

Estimated Cumulative Buckingham County Revenue over 40 years




Benefits for the Environment

  • The project provides clean energy for up to 10,000 homes. 

  • It will reduce the equivalent of 61,000 tons of CO2 each year. 

  • It reduces water usage: solar arrays require little-to-no water for operation. 

  • No production of odor, toxins, or pollution.

  • Enabling native wildlife, plant life, and pollinators to thrive, fostering habitat for local flora and fauna while maintaining wildlife corridors

  • Nurtures soil, reduces carbon emissions, improves air quality, and preserves agricultural land.